Know How to Bold or UnBold Text in Excel

This blog post explains to you how to Bold or Unbold text in Excel. You used to highlight specific words or phrases in your word document, like the same if you need to highlight the text in your excel for your report or dashboard. You can use the toggle button to Bold or Unbold the text.

A large block of text can also be separated with bold and non-bold text to make it simpler to read and more visually appealing.

In excel, you used to bold and unbold the table title, row label, or column label to highlight.

Bold and Unbold text in Excel

Bold and Unbold text in Excel

Suppose you have a data table and need to bold the Row label and Column label.

Select the Row Labels, range of cells A1:A11. Go to Home Sheet and Press the Bold icon.

Select the Column Labels, range of cells A1:M1. Go to Home Sheet and Press the Bold icon.

The above steps bold your table Row Labels and Column Labels. Bold is working as a toggle button in excel, so if the text is already bold it will unbold the text.

Ctrl + B is the keyboard shortcut for bold or unbold text in excel.

Bold or Unbold the part of the text in a cell

The above steps bold or unbold the entire cell value. You have the option to bold or unbold part of your excel text.

Select the text which you need to bold. Press the B icon in the Font. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B to bold or unbold the part of the text in excel.

Bold or Unbold text using Format Cells

You can use the Format Cells dialog box options to do the text formatting in excel.

Steps to use Format cells dialog box to format the text in excel

Select the cell or part of the text to bold. Click the More button in the Font section, which open the Format cells dialog box. Select the Bold in Font Style: and then press OK.


You learned how to format the text in excel. you can use any one of the methods to format the text in bold to draw user attention to the specific cell or part of the text in excel.

Please check this link if you need to underline the text in excel.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.