Know How to Align Text in Excel

Do you need to Align Text in Excel Report? In this blog, you will learn about the different alignment options available in Excel, and provide an example of how to use them in Excel. Alignment options in Microsoft Excel will help make your spreadsheet easier to read.

Suppose you have a spreadsheet with the monthly sales performance of different countries and need to Align Text in Excel. You could use aligning and text rotation options to make the data more clear and easier to read. You can align the countries to the left side, center and rotate the Months of the Year, and the actual sales figure to the right side.

Align Text in Excel

Alignment Options

There are four alignment options to Align Text in Excel. You can use it to make your spreadsheet look neat and organized in Excel. They are Merge & Center, Wrap Text, aligning text, and rotating text.

Merge & Center

You select the cells and use the Merge & Center option to combine the cells into a single cell, right-clicking, and then choosing Merge and Center from the drop-down menu. Excel adds a uniform border around the merged cell and centers the text within it.

In addition, you have the option to align the text in the merged cell both horizontally and vertically. You have more options for left, right, or center alignment, as well as top, center, bottom, and even diagonal alignment.

Wrap Text

The Wrap Text option is found on the Home tab or the Alignment tab in the Ribbon. You can simply select the cell or multiple cells. You want to adjust and click on the Wrap Text button on the Ribbon. This will fit the text to the width of the cell so that your lines do not overflow or cut off words.

Aligning and Rotating Text

Justification of a text guarantees that it is to the left or right of the text without expanding it. If you do not change the spacing or need extra space.

If you want to align the text to the top, bottom, or side of a cell rather than the center. You can rotate the text. This can be a useful option if you are trying to create a more dynamic data history.


Alignment options are extremely helpful in Excel as they make spreadsheets look visually appealing and make it easier to read and identify KPI data. From centering to text rotation, these options can help make a static spreadsheet come alive.

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