Know How to Align Text in Excel

If you work with a lot of data in Excel, you may find yourself in need of a way to align text within a cell. Whether you need to align text horizontally or vertically, the process is relatively simple. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to align text in Excel so that your data is always presented in the most readable way.

It is a best practice to align your data in excel. It helps the user quickly read the KPI.

Align Text with the Toolbar

Align Text with the Toolbar

In this section, you learn how to align the text in excel using the Home tab alignment buttons.

1. Highlight the cells F6:F8 you want to align.

2. Click the Home tab.

3. Click the Left alignment button. The options are Left, Center and Right

Align Text using the Format menu

Align Text using the Format menu

Follow the below steps to align text in excel using the format menu

  1. Select the cells G6:G8 that you want to align.
  2. Click the Right Mouse button to open the Context menu
  3. Click Format Cells… – to open the Format Cells dialog box
  1. Choose how you want to align the text horizontally. The options are General, Left, Center, Right, Fill, Justify, Center Across Selection and Distributed.
  2. Choose how you want to align the text vertically. The options are Top, Center, Bottom, Justify and Distributed.
  3. Press OK

Align Text Using the Keyboard Shortcut

You can use a keyboard shortcut to align text in excel

Select the cells you want to align and press the below combination of keys

For Horizontal alignment – Press Alt + H + AL for the Left, Alt + H + AC for the Center and Alt + H + AR for the Right.

For Vertical alignment – Press Alt + H + AT for the Top, Alt + H + AM for the Middle and Alt + H + AB for the Bottom.


There are a few ways to align text in Excel. The easiest way is to use the alignment buttons in the ribbon. You can also use the right-click context menu. If you are very familiar with the combination of keys to align the text in excel. It will be very user-friendly instead of finding menus and clicking.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.