Know How to Change Text Cases in Excel

This blog post explains to you how to use the excel function and flash fill feature to change the text cases.  You may need to highlight some important points in your document, report, or data table.  Changing the text case helps to draw user attention to those points.

It is a type of formatting such as bold, underline and italicize the word. Combination of text cases in the report, user easy to read and interpret the results.

Use Excel functions to Change Text Case

You can use excel basic functions UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER to change the text case.

The UPPER function converts all text to uppercase, the LOWER function converts all text to lowercase, and the PROPER function converts the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase.

Use Excel functions to Change Text Case

Please follow the below steps to change the text to upper case in excel.

Go to cell D3, type the formula =UPPER(C3), Press Enter, and drag and apply the formula to a range of cells.

In the same way, you can use the function LOWER() or PROPER() and apply it to your text.

Use Flash Fill to Change Text Case

Excel flash fill feature saves a lot of time, automatically filling the data from one column to another. You simply type in the first few cells and excel recognizes the pattern & suggests, you just press enter to apply the pattern to all other cells in the data.

Use Flash Fill to Change Text Case

Go to cell D3 and type the name in cell D3 Phoebe Swanson. Start typing the name in cell D4. Excel recognizes the pattern and gives suggestions. You just press enter, and excel fills all other cells with the same text case.


You learn two different methods to change the text case in excel. You can use the excel formula method, which helps you to just drag and apply the change text case for additional cells if you have added more data to your report.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.