Know How to Use Date Function in Microsoft Excel

The Excel Date function is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel. It returns the serial number. You can use the Date function along with Day, Month and Year functions. These functions are most useful to create time series analyses.

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and using the DATE function in Microsoft Excel. Learn how to use the Date function to calculate dates. Discover how to make the most of this powerful feature to streamline your workflow and save time.


DATE (Year, Month, Day) – it accepts three parameters Year, Month, and day

Eg. DATE( 2022, 12, 06) – It returns 06-Dec-2022

DAY () – From a given date, the Excel DAY function returns the day of the month as a number between 1 and 31. You can use this DAY function to extract a day number from a date.

= DAY ( “06-Dec-2022” ) – function return 06

MONTH () – The month is extracted from a given date using the Excel MONTH function as an integer between 1 and 12. You can use this function to extract the month component from the date and use it in the formula.

= MONTH ( “06-Dec-2022” ) – function return 12 for the month Dec.

YEAR () – The year part of a date is returned as a 4-digit number by the Excel YEAR function. You can use this function to extract the year component from the date and use it in the formula.

= YEAR ( “06-Dec-2022” ) – function return 2022

How to use the Date functions in excel

Assume, you have a date in cell D4 and need to display year month and day in a separate cell you can use the functions Year, Month, and Day as below

Date functions in excel

For example, If you need to calculate the due date, which is 30 days from the date in cell D4. You just type the formula in cell D9 = DATE (D7, D6, D5+30). You have referred D7 for years which is 2022 and D6 for the month Dec and added 30 days to the day in cell D5.


These are basic functions and are very useful to create a time-based analysis or sales report.

Please take note that dates in Excel are serial numbers starting on January 1, 1900. Prior to 1900, there is no support. Use the number format of your choosing to show date values in a human-readable date format.

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