Know the Arithmetic Operators in Excel

Do you need to learn how to use Excel Arithmetic Operators? This blog post explains you to apply Arithmetic Operators in excel formulas.

Operators are symbols that are used to execute operations on data. They can execute mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as logical operations like comparison and evaluation.

It is very important to the excel user to have a knowledge of the priority order of the Excel Arithmetic Operator.

There are many different kinds of operators, including arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, assignment, and others. Each operator performs a specific purpose and is often employed in various programming languages.

Arithmetic Operators

Assume the data are in Cell B1 and B2.

Number 110
Number 22
OperatorsOutputExcel FormulaComments
Addition12=B1 + B2Addition of two or more numbers
Subtraction8=B1 – B2Subtraction of two or more numbers
Multiplication20=B1 * B2Multiply B1 and B2 number
Division5=B1 / B2Divide the number B1 by B2
Power100=B1 ^ B2Power B2 to the B1 number
Excel Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators – Priority Order

  1. Parentheses ()
  2. Exponentiation (^)
  3. Multiplication (*) or Division (/)
  4. Addition (+) or Subtraction (-)

The execution order will be left to right for the same level of precedence.

For Eg: You have a formula =(2*5) ^ (1+1). The below steps explain to you how excel executes the formula.

  1. Start with the first parentheses (2*5), multiply the numbers 10
  2. Add the numbers 1+1 in the second parentheses
  3. Calculate 10 ^ 2 and return 100.


Excel operators are powerful and flexible features for doing computations and analysing data fast. They can help users save time and simplify data analysis, allowing them to get the most out of their data. To remain competitive, it will be important to learn and understand how to use Excel operators.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.