Excel Count and Percentage in one cell

Do you need to join text or concatenate cell values in excel? In this article, you will learn how to combine multiple cell values in one cell using the excel CONCAT function. In excel you have multiple functions CONCAT, CONCATENATE, use & symbol, and TEXTJOIN to combine multiple cell values or text.

For most of the analysis, you have to report both count and percentages in one cell, which helps the end user quickly find a KPI from your report.

You have a sales table by US_States. In the sales table, you have three fields State, Sales($) & Share(%) in your table. You have to add another column to combine both Sales (Share%) to display in one cell for further analysis.

Excel Count and Percentage in one cell

How to use the CONCAT function in excel

How to use the concat function in excel

Please follow the below steps to use the CONCAT function in excel to display the sales value and percentage in one cell

  1. Go to cell E2
  2. Type the text $ Sales ( % Share) and format it as other column headers
  3. Go to cell E3
  4. Type the below formula
  1. Drag the formula till cell E8 to fill your formula

How to use the CONCATENATE function in excel

Please follow the below steps to use the CONCATENATE function in excel to display the sales value and percentage in one cell

  1. Go to cell E2
  2. Type the text $ Sales ( % Share) and format it as other column headers
  3. Go to cell E3
  4. Type the below formula
  1. Drag the formula till cell E8 to fill your formula

How to use the TEXTJOIN function in excel

Text join function in excel

Please follow the below steps to use the TEXTJOIN function in excel to display the sales value and percentage in one cell

  1. Go to cell E2
  2. Type the text $ Sales ( % Share) and format it as other column headers
  3. Go to cell E3
  4. Type the below formula
  1. Drag the formula till cell E8 to fill your formula


In excel number of functions are available to join the text. TEXTJOIN function is working only in Office365, it will not support an earlier version of excel. You can use any one of them as per your requirement.