Know How to Use The Excel Formula Bar

The Excel formula bar is a useful feature in Microsoft Excel that allows users to do computations and other data manipulation activities. It is a top-level bar in Excel that offers a variety of built-in functions as well as a text field for inserting custom formulae. The formula bar also includes shortcut buttons for entering basic formulae like SUM and AVERAGE. It also has drop-down menus for choosing range references and other parameters. Users enter their formula into the text field and click Enter to utilise the formula bar. Excel then does the calculations automatically and shows the result in the cell or range of cells you specify.

The Excel Formula Bar

Select a cell in excel

Type the text that you need, which will enter into the selected cell.

Steps to enter formula in Excel

Go to cell C12

Type the formula =SUM(C2:C11), start with an equal sign in the formula to excel know you are entering formula

Press Enter

Steps to edit a formula in excel

Select cell C12

Click the formula bar and type Average replace of SUM, to compute Average salary instead of Sum of the salary.

Hide and Show the formula bar

In the final report, End user does not need to see the formula and have to hide, which will give more space to the end user to interact the report or dashboard.

Go to View menu and check Formula bar check box in the show group to Hide and UnHide the Formula bar in excel.

Expand and collapse the formula bar

Most of the time the developer have to expand to edit or enter the lengthy formula in excel. You just click the small arrow in the right side of the formula bar to expand and collapse the formula bar.


The formula bar check box and the small down arrow in the right side of the formula bar works as a toggle button to show or hide the formula bar, and Expand and collapse the formula bar.

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