PPT Excel: How to extract last word in excel

Do you need to extract the last word from your customer name or product? This Post explains to you how to extract the last word from a string. It is one of the most important tasks in text processing to split a string.

Sometimes you may receive data with joint text with a delimiter. To extract the last word from a cell string, you have to use combinations of excel formulas TRIM, RIGHT, SUBSTITUTE and REPT.

TRIM(text) – to remove the additional spaces

Eg: Trim(“       pptexcel”) – returns pptexcel

The Excel TRIM function can be used to clean up text in a spreadsheet that has irregular spacing. This function removes all spaces, with the exception of single spaces between words.

RIGHT( text, [NumOfCharacters] ) – extract number of character from right side of the given text

Eg.Right(“Rui~~~~~Costa”,5) – returns Costa

The Excel RIGHT function returns the number of characters on a string’s right side as a text string. Depending on the number of characters they select, this method allows users to extract the last characters in a text string.

SUBSTITUTE( text, old_text, new_text, [instance] ) – substitute function find the single space and replace with tild symbol

SUBSTITUTE(“Rui Costa”,” “,REPT(“~”,5)) – returns Rui~~~~~Costa

The Excel SUBSTITUTE function replaces an old_text with a new_text.

REPT(text, integer) – repeat the given text with the number of times

eg: REPT(“~“,5) – returns ~~~~~

Suppose you have a list of food ball player names and need to extract the last word from the list.

How to extract last word in excel
How to extract last word in excel

Please follow the below steps to extract the last word from each cell

  1. Type header Last word in cell B1 and format as cell A1
  2. Type the below formula in cell B2

=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",REPT(" ",50)),50))

  1. Drag till cell B10, to fill the formula to extract the last word from each cell

Step-by-step evaluation of the formula on cell B2

=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,” “,REPT(” “,50)),50))

A2TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(“Cristiano Ronaldo” ,” “,REPT(” “,50)),50))
REPT(“~”,50)TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(“Cristiano Ronaldo” ,” “, “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“),50))
SUBSTITUTE(“Cristiano Ronaldo”, ” “, “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”)TRIM(RIGHT(“Cristiano~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ronaldo“,50))
TRIM(” Ronaldo”) Ronaldo


Extracting the last word from the text is a type of text processing. You can use Excel Text to columns to extract the last word if your text contains any pattern like two or three texts.