Know How to create a Fibonacci Series in Excel

The Fibonacci sequence is an infinite sequence of numbers. The first two numbers in the sequence are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. It is found in nature and is used in many areas of mathematics and finance.

For example, the third number in the Fibonacci sequence is 1 (0 + 1), the fourth number is 2 (1 + 1), the fifth number is 3 (1 + 2), and so on.

If you are trying to create a Fibonacci sequence in Excel, you have come to the right place. Fibonacci sequences are a series of numbers that follow a certain pattern, and they are often used in financial analysis and forecasting. The good news is that creating a Fibonacci sequence in Excel is relatively easy.

Fibonacci Series

In this blog post, you learn how to create a Fibonacci sequence in excel.

Please follow the below steps to create a Fibonacci sequence

  1. Enter 0 in cell A1
  2. Enter 1 in Cell A2
  3. Add a formula =A1+A2 in cell A3
  4. Select the cells A3:A20, you need to fill the formula for the Fibonacci sequence
  5. Press Ctrl+D – to copy the formula down the column.

You can see the sequence is automatically calculated in Excel.


Creating a Fibonacci sequence in Excel is a simple and straightforward process. You should be able to easily generate the Fibonacci numbers you need for your analysis or forecasting purposes.

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