Know How to Freeze and Unfreeze (Rows or Columns) in Excel

If you have the number of tables in your Excel worksheet. you know how frustrating it can be to scroll back and forth between different sections of data. Imagine being able to quickly and easily lock or freeze certain rows or columns so that they are always visible on your screen.

In this post, you learn how to freeze and unfreeze rows or columns in your spreadsheet.

How to freeze Rows or Columns in Excel

Freeze Top Row

For example, suppose you have data of more than 1000 records and the first row is your header, when you scroll down the excel sheet, the header row will hide.

Freeze Top Row

If you need to keep the header row remain static and start scrolling from the second row when you scroll vertically.

Select any cell in your data

Go to View

Select Freeze Top Row

You can vertically scroll and see the header row is static and not hiding.

Freeze First Column

Freeze first column

If you need to keep the first column A remain static and start scrolling from the second column B, when you scroll horizontally.

Select any cell in your data

Go to View

Select Freeze First Column

You can horizontally scroll and see the First column is static and not hiding.

Freeze Pane

Freeze Pane

You can use Freeze Pane If you need to freeze a few of the Top rows, a few starting columns, or both rows and columns.

Select the cell B2

Go to View

Select Freeze Panes

You can either horizontally or vertically scroll and see the Header row and the First column is static and does not hide.

How to Unfreeze Rows or Columns in Excel

How to Unfreeze Rows or Columns in Excel

Please follow the below steps to unfreeze your excel

Select any cell in your data

Go to View

Select Unfreeze Panes


There are a few different ways that you can freeze rows or columns in Excel. You learned the basic method of freezing rows and columns in Excel using the View menu. The freeze will allow you to keep a certain number of rows or columns visible as you scroll. You can also use the split function, which will allow you to keep two separate areas of your sheet visible as you scroll.