Know How to Insert a Hyperlink in Excel

This blog post explains to you how to insert a Hyperlink in Excel. Hyperlink helps you to quickly navigate to a specific sheet or range in your workbook. You can link to external data or information.

You need hyperlinks to navigate to the different sections of your report or dashboard. Also, add a Back button to the Home Tab.

Use the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to insert a hyperlink

In this example, you have a text in cell B5 PPTEXCEL and need to insert a hyperlink to the URL

 insert a hyperlink

Select cell B5

Go to Insert menu and Choose Link and Insert Link – to open Insert Hyperlink dialog box

Choose Existing File or Web Page – Since you have to link a web URL

Type the web URL in the Address input box

Press OK

You can just click the PPTEXCEL in cell B5, it will open the URL in the default browser window.

Alternate options to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

The keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl + K

Select the cell B5 and Click the Right Mouse button

Choose Link and Insert Link

Excel Hyperlink function to Insert Hyperlink

In excel you have an excel function Hyperlink to insert hyperlinks.

HYPERLINK accepts two parameters URL and the display Text in your excel cell

Select cell C5

Type the formula =HYPERLINK(“”, “PPTEXCEL” )

You can just click the PPTEXCEL in cell C5, it will open the URL in the default browser window.

Hyperlink to your worksheet

Link to the same document helps you to add a navigation to another sheet or the same sheet jump to a specific range. It helps you to create a summary page and link to the detailed sections of your dashboard or reports.

In this example, you have an expense table in row 100 and need to add text in cell B10 and link to the Expense table.

Select Cell B10

Type the text Go To Expense

Press Ctrl + K to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box

Choose the Place in This Document

Type the cell reference A100

Press OK


A wonderful technique to assist organise and save critical data is by adding a hyperlink in Excel. Any cell in Excel may have a hyperlink added to it with only a few mouse clicks. By having the option to add a hyperlink, you may organise your data and make it simpler to find.