Learn How to use IFERROR in Excel

This blog article will show you how to apply Excel IFERROR function. Learn how to use this powerful tool to analyse data and make decisions fast and simply. Learn how to implement IFERROR in Excel in various ways and how to apply it to your own data.


IFERROR(Val, errValue)

It takes two arguments:

Val – The value, reference, or formula to be checked for an error

errValue – The value to return if an error is found.

The IFERROR function will check the Val argument for an error. If an error is found, the function will return the errValue argument. If no error is found, the function will return the Val argument.


Suppose you have a data table with the details of Profit in column D and report Profit %age in column E.

Go to cell E2, Type the formula =D2/C2, which will return the %age of profit. But you can notice that cell E8 has an error since there is a blank in the Income column.

You can use the IFERROR function to handle the error in the above data set.

Type the formula =IFERROR(D2/C2,0) in cell E2 and drag to fill the formula to the range of cells E2:E11.

IFERROR returns 0 when the statement D2/C2 returns an error.


Excel functions are a wonderful tool for saving time and making your work simpler. With a little experience, you can become an Excel master and apply functions to analyse data fast and effectively.

Learning how to apply Excel functions may help you become more effective and productive, whether you are a new or an experienced user. You may become an Excel expert and use functions to your advantage with the relevant research and practice.

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