4 Ways Insert a New Sheet in Microsoft Excel

If you are working on a large Excel project, creating reports for multicountry and dashboard. you may find yourself needing to insert a new sheet into your workbook. In this blog post, you will learn 4 different ways to insert a new sheet in Excel.

The new sheet will have the default name of Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. You can rename the new sheet by right-clicking on the tab and selecting Rename. Type in the new name for the sheet and hit Enter. Now you are ready to start working on your new sheet!

Insert a New Sheet with the Plus Button

You can see a + sign next to the last tab at the bottom of your workbook. You just click the + sign a new tab will appear to the right of the last one. If you need to rename, you double-click the new tab and type a new name to the added sheet.

Just click the + Sign. Excel will add a new sheet named Sheet4. Double-click the new Sheet4 and type a new name.

Insert a New Sheet using the Home Menu

You have an option to insert a new sheet using the Home menu in excel. Please follow the below steps to add a new sheet using Home Tab.

Insert a New Sheet using the Home Menu
  1. Go to Home Tab
  2. Select Insert
  3. Choose Insert Sheet

Insert a New Sheet with a Keyboard Shortcut

If you like to use the keyboard shortcut in excel, you have a keyboard option to insert a new sheet in Excel. It is always a quick and easy method to insert a new sheet instead of finding a menu.

Just press the Keyboard Shortcut Shift + F11 to insert a new sheet in excel

Insert a New Sheet using the Insert dialog box

You have one more option to insert a new sheet in excel using the insert dialog box. Follow the below steps to add a new sheet.

  1. Click the Right mouse button on any one tab.
  2. Press Insert – to open the Insert dialog box
  1. Choose Worksheet
  2. Press OK


You learned 4 different ways to insert a new sheet in excel. The keyboard shortcut method is an easy and quick way to insert a new sheet.

You can use the mouse to insert a new sheet by dragging and dropping. Select any one of your empty work sheets, Hold down the Ctrl key, Press the Left mouse button , drag the sheet and release the mouse button.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.