Know how to Concatenate Date with Text in Excel

If you need to make a sentence and the data are in Excel columns.  You can use the Excel function or operator to concatenate dates with text in Excel. Excel allows you to quickly combine multiple pieces of information into one cell, such as combining dates with text or numbers. This can be useful when creating mail automation.

In this article, you will learn how to concatenate dates with text in Excel.

Excel & ampersand operator to concatenate Date with Text

Excel’s ampersand operator is an easy way to combine text and date values in a cell. This operator allows you to take two or more pieces of information and join them together into one value.

  1. Select cell D2
  2. Type the formula =”Name: ” &A2 &”, Sales : ” & C2 &” dollar on ” &TEXT(B2,”DD-MMM-YYYY”)
  3. Press Enter
  4. Drag the formula to the range of cells D2:D11

This above formula generates a sentence based on information from columns A, B and C. The concatenate function concatenates the text in the format of “Name: [Column A], Sales: [Column C] dollar on [Column B].”

Excel Concat function to concatenate Date and Text

The Excel Concatenate function is useful when you want to combine data from multiple cells into a single cell, such as when you want to create a mailing address or email address. Also, it allows you to join together text strings with other data such as dates and numbers in order to generate the desired output.

  1. Select cell D2
  2. Type the formula
  3. Press Enter
  4. Drag the formula to the range of cells D2:D11

This formula works exactly like the above concatenate function.


Concatenation is the process of combining two or more strings together. With the use of the CONCAT or & ampersand operator, you can easily concatenate dates with text in Excel.

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