Know How to Extract the URL from a Hyperlink in Excel

This blog post will teach you how to quickly and easily extract URLs from hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel. Discover the best techniques for extracting URLs from hyperlinks in Excel.

In a document, a hyperlink is a point of reference or a navigational tool that connects one section of text to another, either elsewhere in the same document or to a different document or website. When clicked, a hyperlink normally appears as blue, highlighted text and directs the user to the desired page. In order to go between online sites, you must use links. Additionally, links may be used to send emails, start applications, and access files.

Extract the Hyperlink URL – The Browser window

Click the URL – It opens the URL in a browser window

Copy the URL and Paste as text into cell E5

Extract the Hyperlink URL from the Insert Menu

You can use the insert menu option to extract the Hyperlink URL in the Excel application.

Select cell D6

Go to Insert Menu

Click the Link button and Select Insert Link…

The above steps open the Edit Hyperlink dialog box

Copy the URL from the Address Input box

Paste as text into cell E6

Extract the Hyperlink URL – Click the Right Mouse button

You can follow the below steps to open Edit Hyperlink using the Mouse

Select cell D7. Click the Right mouse button and select Edit Hyperlink, which opens Edit Hyperlink dialog box.


As you can see, it is not as difficult as it may appear to extract the URL from a hyperlink in Excel. You may utilise the URL in other places in your spreadsheet by simply using the Hyperlink function to extract it.

Now that you are familiar with the process, you can use it in your workflows to save time and make your data more useful.

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