Learn How to use Logical functions in Excel

This blog article will show you how to apply Excel’s Logical AND or OR function. Learn how to use this powerful tool to analyse data and make decisions fast and simply. Learn how to implement the Logical function in Excel in various ways and how to apply it to your own data.


The AND function in Excel is a logical function that is used to assess multiple criteria at the same time. If all criteria are TRUE, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

AND(criteria1, [criteria2], …) 

Each condition can take the form of a value, a cell reference, or an expression.

The OR function in Excel is a logical function that is used to assess multiple criteria at the same time. If either one criteria are TRUE, it yields TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

OR(criteria1, [criteria2], …) 

Each condition can take the form of a value, a cell reference, or an expression.


Formula – Respective cells

For example, if cell A1 is larger than 10 and cell B1 is less than 20, the following formula will return TRUE:

=AND(A1>10, B1<20)

To generate more complicated formulae, utilise the AND function in conjunction with other logical functions such as OR and NOT. It may also be used with IF expressions to form conditional logic.

For example, if cell A1 is larger than 10 or cell B1 is less than 20, the following formula will return TRUE:

=OR(A1>10, B1<20)

To generate more complicated formulae, utilise the OR function in conjunction with other logical functions such as OR and NOT. It may also be used with IF expressions to form conditional logic.


Excel functions are a wonderful tool for saving time and making your work simpler. With a little experience, you can become an Excel master and apply functions to analyse data fast and effectively.

Learning how to apply Excel functions may help you become more effective and productive, whether you are a new or an experienced user. You may become an Excel expert and use functions to your advantage with the relevant research and practice.

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