PPTEXCEL: The Most Used Excel Functions

This blog article will go through the most frequently used Excel functions. Excel’s sophisticated math and data analysis features make it a must-have tool for many professions. You will learn 8 functions that are most frequently utilised while working with data in Excel.

Learn how to use these functions to analyze data and save time.

This article covers the list of the most used functions. COUNT, COUNTIF, SUM, SUMIF, IF, AVERAGE, MIN and MAX.


The COUNT function in Excel is a statistical function used to count the number of cells that contain a numeric value or a specific value in a range of cells.

=COUNT(range, [value])


The COUNTIF function in Microsoft Excel is a powerful statistical tool used to count the number of cells within a range that meet a specified criterion.

The COUNTIF function takes two arguments: the range (or set of cells) to be evaluated and the criteria for counting. The criteria can either be a single value, such as a number or text, or a range of values, such as a range of dates or numbers. The COUNTIF function then counts the number of cells within the specified range that meet the criteria.

=COUNTIF(range, criteria)


The SUM function in Excel is a mathematical function that calculates the sum of a set of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions in Excel, and is often used to calculate the total of a list of values or a range of cells.

=SUM(number1, [number2], ...)

excel sum function


This function allows you to quickly and easily sum data based on criteria.

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])



The IF function in Excel is a powerful logical function that allows users to make decisions based on conditions. It is considered a core part of Excel’s formula language and is one of the most commonly used functions. The IF function can be used to check if one or more conditions are true and then return one value if they are, or another if they are not.

=IF(logicalTest, TRUE, FALSE)


The AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the average of a group of numbers. It ignores logical values (TRUE/FALSE) and text values when calculating the average. This function can be useful in a variety of situations, such as calculating the average score in a test, calculating the average of a set of data points, or finding the average of a range of numbers.

=AVERAGE(number1, number2, ...)

Average function


The MIN function in Excel can be used to find the lowest value in a range of numbers, or the lowest value in a range of cells that contain numbers. The MIN function is often used to determine the minimum value in a given set of data.

=MIN(number1, number2, ...)



The MAX function in Excel can be used to find the highest value in a range of numbers, or the highest value in a range of cells that contain numbers. The MAX function is often used to determine the maximum value in a given set of data.

=MAX(number1, number2, ...)

maximum function in excel


Excel is a great tool and has a lot of features that may assist you with data analysis. SUM, SUMIF, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTIF, IF, MAX, and MIN are the eight most widely used Excel functions. Many of your data analysis activities may be completed with these capabilities.

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