Know How to Change Number Format in Excel

If you are working with numbers in Excel, you may occasionally need to add an accounting format to them. This can be helpful if you want to align decimal points or add dollar signs for clarity. Adding an accounting format to Excel numbers is easy with a few simple steps.

Suppose you have the data as in the below image and need to add Currency format for the sales column Monthly Forecast and Cumulative.


Add Accounting Format – Home Tab

You can use the Home tab Currency format to format the number in excel.

Select the range of cells to format B2:C13

Go to Home Tab

Select the currency format $ English (United States), which needs to apply to the selected cells.

Add Accounting Format – Format Cells Menu

You can change the excel number format with the Format cells menu.

Select the range of cells to format B2:C13

Click the Right mouse button and select Format Cells… – to popup Format cells dialog box

Go to Number Tab

Select Accounting in the Category list

Choose the currency format $ English (United States)

Press OK

Add Accounting Format – Custom Format

Please follow the below steps to format cell in excel using custom format

Select the range of cells to format B2:C13

Go to Number Tab

Select Custom in the Category list

Paste the below format string into the Type input box

-[$$-en-US]* #,##0 ;-[$$-en-US]* -#,##0 ;-[$$-en-US]* "-"??_ ;-@

Press OK

Add Accounting Format – TEXT Function

The TEXT function can be used to convert your numbers to text values. The TEXT function transforms a number into a formatted text value using the same format string syntax.

Select the cell E2

Type the formula =TEXT(B2," $ 0.00")

Drag and fill the same formula for the range of cells E2:F13

You can see the text function referred the columns B and C and applied the format to your data in the new columns E and F.


You learned four different methods to format the numbers in excel. Formatting the table in your spreadsheet is the most important step in creating a dashboard or reports.

The accounting number format in Microsoft Excel is a handy feature that allows users to easily display numbers in a way that is more meaningful to viewers. Accounting number format offers a range of options, such as the ability to display currency symbols, thousands separators, and decimal places.

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