Know How to Use Row() and Column() Functions in Excel

The ROW() function and Column() in Excel are a built-in functions that returns the row number or column number of a certain cell or range. These functions may be used to refer to the current cell’s row/column or the row/column of a specified reference cell, making it helpful for generating dynamic formulae. These functions may also be used to compute the number of rows/columns in an array or range, which makes it helpful for developing dynamic formulae that can react to changing data sets.

Excel is a robust spreadsheet tool that may assist you in organising, manipulating, and analysing data. The ability to deal with rows and columns is one of Excel’s most valuable capabilities.

How to use Row and Column functions in Excel

The Row() and Column() functions are very simple to use. To use them, you simply need to enter the row or column number in the function.



The reference argument in these functions are an optional. Default it’s refer the current cell.

If you wanted to access the data in cell A1, you would use the following formula: =Row(A1). This would return the row number of A1, which is 1.

If you wanted to access the data in cell B2, you would use the following formula: =Column(B2). This would return the column number of B2, which is 2.

You can retrieve data in a number of ways after you have the row and column numbers. They can be used to produce a dynamic range for formulas or charts. Additionally, you can make a dynamic reference to another worksheet using them.


The Row() and Column() functions are very useful and can help you work with data more efficiently. They can make it easier to find and manipulate data based on its row and column number. Try experimenting with the Row() and Column() functions in your own Excel documents and see how they can save you time and effort.

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