Know How to use Smart Fill in Excel

Flash fill in Excel is a feature that allows you to quickly enter repetitive data into a spreadsheet. It recognizes patterns in the data you enter and then automatically fills in the rest. For example, if you want to enter a list of names into a spreadsheet, you can type the first few and then Excel will recognize the pattern and fill in the rest. This can save you time and make data entry much easier.

How to use Excel Flash Fill

Suppose you have the below data and use Flash fill to create a mail id in the MailID column.

Go to cell D3 and type the email id using the names

Excel recognizes the pattern you entered in cell D3 and matches it with other names and suggests when you start typing on cell D4.

Just hit Enter, and Excel Flash Fill applies the pattern to other names in the list.

To access the Flash Fill Feature in Excel

Option 1: Go to Data Menu and Click Flash Fill button from the Data Tools groups

Option 2: Use the keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl + E

Example of using Flash fill to format Phone Number in Excel

If you need to format the phone number in your table, you can use Flash fill to fill the pattern.

Example of using Flash fill to extract zip code from address

In this example you extract the zip code from the Address field

Go to cell E11, Type the zip code 23715

Continue to E12 and E13. Excel recognizes the pattern and extracts the zip code and give suggestion.


The Flash Fill feature in Excel is a useful tool that can be used to help save time and reduce errors in data entry. It can help quickly fill in data based on patterns and can be used to quickly generate data in a variety of different ways. It is an easy to use tool that can help make data entry easier and faster.

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