Know How to Sum a Column of Numbers in Excel

Suppose you have the fields Expenses, Salary, or any numerical fields in your table. You may need to report the sum of a column of numbers.

In this post, you learn 4 different ways to sum a column of numbers in Excel

Just Click to Sum a Column

Just select the respective column in excel and see the sum in the status bar of your excel application.

Use AutoSum to Sum a Column

Please follow the below steps to use AutoSum in Excel

Select the last cell C12

Go to Home, Click AutoSum and Press Enter

Use the SUM Function to Sum a Column

SUM Function is one of the basic Excel function. It helps to simply sum up the numbers in a selection of cells. It may be used to add up all the data in a column or row, or to determine the total of a range of numbers.

SUM Function

Go to cell C12, Type the formula =SUM(C2:C11) and Press Enter

The SUM function sum the salary of all the employees in cell C12.

Use Excel Table Feature to sum a column

The spreadsheet application Microsoft Excel includes a feature called Excel tables that is tremendously helpful. Tables are used to arrange and store data in a tabular style, much like a spreadsheet, but with extra functionality like sorting and filtering.

Excel Table

Select the range of cells B1:C11, Go to Insert and Click Table

Once you convert the data to a table.

Go to Table Design, Select the Total Row.

Now you can see the sum of salary in the Total row.


It is easy to add a column of numbers in Excel by following a few straightforward steps.

The SUM function is a very useful tool for quickly performing calculations in Excel. It can be used to easily add up the values in a range of cells, and can be used in conjunction with other functions to give users a better understanding of their data.

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