The Ultimate Guide to Use Excel NOW Function

The Microsoft Excel NOW Function returns the current date and time. When you need to keep track of when particular activities are accomplished or when you need to reference the current date and time in your spreadsheet, this feature comes in handy. The NOW Function is simple to use and may save you time by automatically changing the date and time every time you open or refresh your spreadsheet.



Arithmetic operations with a date.

=NOW() + 28Add 28 days from the current date
=NOW() – 28Subtract 28 days from the current date

If the function does not return the current date and time. You can use the keyboard function keys to execute the excel function. Press Shift + F9 – to calculate the current worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut

Ctrl + – to insert the current date in your excel sheet

Ctrl + Shift + – to insert the current time in your excel sheet

Use the Now function with Text function

The below formula returns only the current date as a string.


You can use the & operator to return the current date and time in your report along with some text.

="Today date is " & TEXT(NOW(), "MM/DD/YYYY")

How to compute VBA execution time using NOW ()

Assign the current date and time to a variable strTime, At the End of the script assign to a variable endTime. Subtract and message the execution time. In the below example, the message box returns the script execution time in seconds.

Sub generateRand()
strTime = Format(Now(), "SS")

For i = 1 To 100000
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = Math.Rnd()

endTime = Format(Now(), "SS")

MsgBox "Total execution time : " & endTime - strTime

End Sub

Excel Now function in VBA to find execution time


It may be used to design formulae that update the date and time when the spreadsheet is opened or recalculated, as well as to check the execution of your VBA code. The NOW function may also be used to display dates and times in various formats and to calculate differences between two dates.

You can use the Excel TODAY function, which returns only the current date.

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