Know How to Use WRAPCOLS and WRAPROWS in Excel

You may need to reshape a list of values into a table for your analysis or reports. In this blog post, You will learn two advanced Excel functions WRAPCOLS and WRAPROWS. It allows you to reshape a one-dimensional array or range into a two-dimensional array by wrapping the values by columns or rows in Excel.

If you have the months Jan to Jul in the range of cells A1:A7 and reshape for your report.

Excel WRAPCOLS function

The WRAPCOLS function allows you to transform a row or column of values into a range with a specified number of values per column.

=WRAPCOLS (array, wrapCount, [padWith])

For example, if you want to convert the sample data into a two-dimensional array with 3 values per column.

Excel WRAPCOLS function

Go to cell C1, type the formula =WRAPCOLS(A1:A7,3), and press Enter.

The months are arranged vertically, from top to bottom, based on the wrapCount value. Once the count reaches, pad with #N/A. You can specify the value in the padWith, if you need a different value for padding.

You can use the below formula to specify null value to the padWith.


Excel WRAPROWS function

The WRAPROWS function allows you to transform a row or column of values into a range with a specified number of values per row.

= WRAPROWS (array, wrapCount, [padWith])

For example, if you want to convert the sample data into a two-dimensional array with 3 values per row.

Excel WRAPROWS function

Go to cell C6, type the formula =WRAPROWS(A1:A7,3), and press Enter.

The months are arranged horizontally, from left to right, based on the wrapCount value. Once the count reaches, pad with #N/A. You can specify the value in the padWith, if you need a different value for padding.

You can use the below formula to specify null value to the padWith.



The WRAPCOLS and WRAPROWS functions are available in both desktop and web Excel.  It helps you to reshape your data for various purposes, such as analysis, presentation, or formatting.

I hope this blog post has helped you understand how to use the WRAPCOLS and WRAPROWS functions in Excel. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.